There's a lot to talk about here at Fourgrounds' office and studios. Our team has grown to nine and we have been producing some great work for new clients like Bayer Inc., The City of St.
Catharines, Niagara Wine Festival, The St. Catharines - Thorold Chamber of Commerce, Niagara Workforce Planning Board and the Niagara Ice Dogs.
We have been teaching two courses at Brock University and we just received our first Broadcast deal with TVO Kids.
Stay tuned for updates on all of this as well as new additions to our online portfolio. In the meantime we would like to celebrate three distinct accomplishments:
#1. Fourgrounds is one of three official finalists for the St. Catharines - Thorold Chamber of Commerce New Business of the Year.

#2. Fourgrounds Co-Owner and VP Kristen Nater has been officially selected to represent Brock's Both Sides of the Brain Campaign as an established prominent alumni.

#3. Fourgrounds C0-Owner and President Adrian Thiessen was featured on the cover of the
Innovation issue of Niagara Business Magazine.

Thanks for reading. That is all.
- A.